Vincent went to the institute, all he wanted was for Sheena not to be there For that one reason he thought he would be lucky to get to their house and see Sherin. His love for Sherrin made him a good reader.Daniel Defoe, Carlo Colladi Books by William Shakespeare, Maxim Gorky, Mopasang, Charles Dickens, Dostoyevsky, and books by famous Indian writers books were sheena took it from the library and gave it to Vincent First of all In a hurry to see Sherin Half-read books, saying that he have read the whole thing, In the next few days he,. arrived at her house. But Sheena understood his thoughts and started asking him questions and questions from the middle of the book. Inevitably, he read every book at night without falling asleep. books by writers from many countries have open...
Dear readers. That they are from many countries I also know that people in other countries are eager to learn about life and customs That is why my story embodies the rural character of India and tries to do it honestly. My character is one of the 700 crore people in the world. Do not compare him with a country or a culture. He is the only one He did not try to portray himself as supernatural or good-natured in order to impress the protagonist. He is just a man, a man with feelings,