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Showing posts from January, 2022

Happy life

There only one life and we have to live it happily. We are the first for that  ⁇  Be happy, what we have in our hands should not be the criterion of happiness .. Being happy with something can be the greatest happiness and wealth.  Jp Palakkad

The story of an Indian child 5 (love )

As vacation began, the color of his life began to change. A girl came into his mind who was only thinking of poverty, hunger and insecurity at home. He first met her on a small road near the playground when he went to play with his friends at a playground a short distance from his house. His mind was full of her form even though he was playing with his friends and He felt a special attraction to her. He desperately wanted to know who she was and what her name was Then he was going to play just to see her, and he realized that her name was Sherin. He used to wait to see her on the way to the tea shop run by her 'mother with milk. He liked her beautiful smile and gait more than her body, which was long but not the size of her breasts and chin.Every time she walked away he felt as if something precious had been lost. He longed for her closeness and love, ...

The story of an Indian child 5 (love )

As the vacation began, his life began to change, and a girl of his own age entered his mind, thinking only of poverty, hunger, and insecurity at home - the first time he saw her was when he went to play with friends on a field not far from his house, and then saw her every time he went to play there.  Later she used to go and play when she came that way.  Going to the tea shop run by her mother with milk became something that he could not avoid in his mind.  He liked her smile more than her body, which was long and her breasts and chin did not stand up.  He could not say anything and just stood there determined when she passes nearby....  to be continued  Jp Palakkad

The Story of an Indian Child 4 longed for his father's happiness in giving his meager income from work and study to work again and find a lasting solution to his family's problems.  At first he was far behind in his studies but now he is concentrating on his studies.   He passed his matriculation exam in his first year, which was a tough one and only a few won, so it was a huge achievement for him and the next vacation was one of the happiest days of his life.  to be continued  Jp Palakkad‌

The Story of an Indian Child3 day he was remembered, his life and living conditions had made him very sad.  When he was sad without books and pens, the books and pencils he received from the teachers' generosity made him very upset.  Ripped pants and shirt ..  Food that comes from the generosity of the neighbors when they walk miles from school and cry hungry with no food to eat when they get home.  Most of the nights he would starve, and his mercenary father would borrow from somewhere and feed himself the next day.  But when he reached adolescence, he was compelled to do any work he could. For the first time, he started working as an assistant to a newspaper distributor in his area.  to be continued  Thanks  Jp Palakkad

The Story of an Indian Child2

He born into a poor family and could not even remember the days when he was fed three times a day. His childhood, adolescence and adolescence were all the same. For as long as he could remember, he had no food or clothes to wear, but his parents enrolled him in school.   to be continued   Thanks   Jp Palakkad

I'm going to Tell a story

I'm to tell you a story about a poor boy who was born and raised in a small village in Kerala, South India. true story..  It's years old so I want to write it in short paragraphs  When I tell this story in Hindi, Telugu, Spanish, Filipino or Arabic, I ask that everyone enjoy it and give good answers and support.  Thanks  Jp Palakkad
Today's experiences were very, very instructive  Many beggars were newcomers  He gave food, water and a shirt to a mentally ill young man, and as soon as he got it, he threw his shirt, which he had put on the food right next to the traffic signal, into the middle of the road, then put on a new shirt and walked back and forth on the road like a hero, and the police allowed him to sit on the sidewalk and eat.  My eyes filled with tears  Someone else's clothes seemed to be a year old, he could not even change his clothes, the shirt he was wearing had become like a sheet of cold cement for ages. I could smell his clothes unbearably.  Moved ..  Thanks  JP palakkad

Feeding street beggars is very important for me were very, very instructive  Many beggars were newcomers  He gave food, water and a shirt to a mentally ill young man, and as soon as he got it, he threw his shirt, which he had put on the food right next to the traffic signal, into the middle of the road, then put on a new shirt and walked back and forth on the road like a hero, and the police allowed him to sit on the sidewalk and eat.  My eyes filled with tears  Someone else's clothes seemed to be a year old, he could not even change his clothes, the shirt he was wearing had become like a sheet of cold cement for ages. I could smell his clothes unbearably.  Moved ..  Thanks  JP palakkad

food for poor a las 9 a.m. y acostarse a las 5 a.m., preguntándose si el mismo Jayaprakash corre un techo de paja    shop es una pequeña pero buena tienda que cocina y vende comida a muchas personas con el esfuerzo de una sola persona.  Una tienda que vende de 5pm a 12am,  Después de la venta, lavar, limpiar, barrer y regresar a casa a las 2 am.  Marketing online y volver a aprender después de bañarse y comer    A la hora de dormir, tumbarse y escuchar aformaciones positivas    Después de despertarse a las 9 a.m., el marketing en línea nuevamente después del desayuno, al mismo tiempo, la familia prepara la comida para distribuir a los mendigos en el camino por la tarde.    Jayaprakash se presenta con agua y comida para los enfermos mentales, los discapacitados, los huérfanos y los hermanos y hermanas pobres...

feeding street dwellings at 9am and go to bed at 5am, wondering if the same Jayaprakash runs a thatch shop is a small but good-selling shop that cooks and sells food to many people with the effort of a single person.  A shop that sells from 5pm to 12am,  After the sale, wash, clean, sweep and return home at  Online marketing and learning again after bathing and eating  When it comes to sleep, lying down and listening to positive aformations  After waking up at 9am, online marketing again after breakfast, at the same time the family prepares food to distribute to the beggars on the way in the afternoon.  Jayaprakash comes forward with water and food for the mentally ill, disabled, orphans and the poor brothers and sisters sleeping on the streets and then goes home at 4 pm with the money he got from the previous day's sale of vegetables and groceries ...

feeding street beggers" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> ഉറക്കം ഉണരുന്നത് 9 മണി ക്ക്  കാരണം ഉറങ്ങുന്നത് 5 മാണിക്ക്, അത്ഭുതം തോന്നുന്നുവോ.. അതേ ജയപ്രകാശ് ഒരു തട്ടുകട നടത്തുന്ന വ്യക്തിയാണ് ഒരു ഒറ്റ വ്യക്തിയുടെ ശ്രമം കൊണ്ട് അനേകം പേർക്ക് ഭക്ഷണം പാകം ചെയ്ത് വിൽക്കുന്ന ചെറിയ എന്നാൽ നല്ല കച്ചവടം ഉള്ള കട. വൈകുന്നേരം 5pm  ന് തുടങ്ങി രാത്രി 12 മണിവരെ കച്ചവടം നടത്തുന്ന ഒരു കട, കച്ചവടത്തിന് ശേഷം കഴുകി വൃത്തിയാക്കി അടിച്ചുവാരി കടപൂട്ടി വീടെത്തുമ്പോൾ കുളികഴിഞ്ഞ് ഭക്ഷണം കഴിച്ച് വീണ്ടും ഓൺലൈൻ മാർക്കറ്റിംഗ് ഒപ്പം പഠനവും ഉറക്കം വന്നാൽ  പോസിറ്റീവ് അഫാർമേഷൻ കേട്ടുകൊണ്ട്  കിടക്കുന്നു 9 മണിക്ക്  ഉണർന്നു കഴിഞ്ഞാൽ പ്രഭാത കൃത്യങ്ങൾക്ക് ശേഷം വീണ്ടും ഓൺലൈൻ മാർക്കെറ്റിങ്, ഇതേ സമയം കുടുംബം ഉച്ചയ്ക്ക് വഴിവക്കിൽ ഭിക്ഷക്കാർക്ക് വിതരണം ചെയ്യുവാനുള്ള ഭക്ഷണം തയാറാക്കും ഉച്ചയായാൽ ജയപ്രകാശ് മൂന്നുകൂട്ടം കറികൾ ചേർത്ത് പാക്ക് ചെയ്‌ത ഭക്ഷണപ്പൊതി ഒപ്പം കുപ്പിവെള്ളവുമായി റോഡിലേക്കിറങ്ങുന്നു മാനസി...